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Faster PageSpeed, more online sales.

For every one-second improvement in page load time, conversion rate increases by 2%.

The faster your page loads, the likelier you are to top SERPs and drive conversions. 

“We really like the solution you’ve made with Prerender… We were very positively surprised with the results.”

Denzell Bultman
Product Owner Webshop at Haarshop

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But here’s the problem: JavaScript ecommerce sites have notoriously slow page load speeds.

So no matter how strong your SEO is, if you don’t tackle your JavaScript SEO, you won’t hit your sales potential.

97% of pages are missed by search engines.

Without proper optimization, search engines don’t see your important product pages. This means your customers aren’t either, leading to unnecessary sales losses.

Does this
sound familiar?

Here’s the harsh reality for ecommerce businesses with JavaScript-heavy websites:

The solution is
an easy fix.

Prerender is a cloud-built rendering platform. We help search engines read your JavaScript pages faster to boost your visibility in SERPs.

How does Prerender work?

We convert your JavaScript pages to HTML, a much easier format for search engines to read.

1. Integration

Simply integrate your site and we’ll take it from there! No maintenance necessary.

2. Rendering

Next, we take snapshots of your pages and convert them to HTML.

3. Storage

We store and serve these snapshots to crawlers when they visit your site.

4. Results

Clients quickly see better crawling, improved indexing, faster page load times, more traffic, and lifts in conversions.


Trusted by 75K
Businesses Worldwide

improved indexing
0 %
crawl efficiency
0 x
increase in organic traffic
0 %

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