
Category: Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the foundation of organic success—especially with JavaScript websites. As it is, the battle for organic visibility is tricky, and when you spend so much time creating quality content that never makes it to SERPs, it’s wasted potential.

Learn how to identify issues, uncover opportunities, and monitor technical SEO tasks with our expert advice, tips, use cases, tutorials, and more!

One of the first things a user notices about your website is how long it takes to load. The faster
Vue.js is a progressive* JavaScript framework created by Evan You to build user interfaces faster and more efficiently. The framework
The internet has upended the way we read the news. It’s mostly only older generations who still read the news
Reliable information about SEO can often be difficult to find. At one time, in the early days of search engine
The world of web development has come a long way since the invention of the World Wide Web. The technologies
Last November, Google announced that the new Page Experience algorithm update would roll out in May 2021, raising a whole
As Google keeps improving its engine and adding more features to its search result pages, users are changing the way
SEO is one of the most useful skill-sets a marketer can have in their toolkit. It’s one of the highest-paying
Another Google Algorithm update is on the horizon. In some ways, it’s already here. Updates to Google’s algorithm are often

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