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Don’t let your JavaScript stop you from gaining new customers.

The top five results on SERPs get 50% of clicks. It‘s no wonder every online business wants to be on the first page of Google search. When a higher ranking equals opportunity to increase lead generation, improving technical SEO and web performance is a no-brainer.

But before you can achieve any of this, you need to get indexed.

Drive More Sales

First Get Indexed
Then Win The Sales

JavaScript web pages tend to eat up crawl budgets and reduce the chances of having your content 100% crawled, rendered, and indexed. If your web pages are not indexed, you’ll be absent from search results and Google ranks. 

If you’re not getting clicks, you aren’t getting any sales. Get indexed first.

More Customers

Get Indexed and Noticed

Prerender Extends Your Reach

We have improved the indexing process of more than 58 billion pages, empowering them to get the attention they deserve at the top SERPs—and yours could be next. Here’s how Prerender boosts your SEO and business:

Spend Your Crawl Budget Efficiently

We serve bots a cached version of your JS page, so they don’t have to go through the whole rendering process. This method costs you less crawl budget but still delivers a perfect resultlike the normal process (or better).

Higher SEO Return on Investment (ROI)

With more crawl budget available, you allow Googlebots to render every SEO element on your page. For instance, Google can now crawl your keywords, read metadata, and follow every link. This all contributes to improved rankings.

Generate More Sales

Additionally, a shorter indexing cycle also means a shorter processing time. This enables Googlebots to fetch your pages faster and helps users load them quicker. When both parties have a seamless experience on your page, your rankings are more likely to improve, as will your traffic, leads, and sales.

Grow Your Profits Today!

Don’t miss out on new leads or revenue.

Get started with 1,000 URLs free.

Trusted by 75,000+ Brands Worldwide

Serving +2.7 billion pages to crawlers. 

Gain More Customers FAQs

Learn about Prerender, technical SEO, and JavaScript on our dedicated FAQs page.


SEO increases conversions by placing your brand in front of your target audience. This, in turn, will boost the number of traffic gained through organic search, increase the number of sales you get per month and lower your customer acquisition costs (CAC).

If your pages are optimized with buying-intent keywords, you can skyrocket your conversion rate even more by capturing traffic from ready-to-buy consumers.

JavaScript makes it hard for search engines to see your content, creating problems like missing SEO content, thin content, or partially rendered pages. As a result, your SEO elements can’t boost the page’s ranking as you intended them to, leaving your page at the bottom of the SERPs. 

Read our article on why JavaScript complicates indexation for a more detailed explanation and easy steps to fix this issue.

According to several studies, the average ROI for SEO is $2.75 for every dollar that you spend (or 275%). However, unlike other marketing channels, SEO rankings compound over time, providing higher returns in the long run.

A study by FirstPageSage found that over the period of three years, most industries see an 800% – 1700% return on investment from SEO campaigns.

Prerender improves search visibility by taking the rendering process off search engines’ shoulders, allowing them to index 100% of your content in a fraction of the time. And because the content snapshot that Prerender delivers to search engine bots is fully rendered and functional, it pushes your core web vitals and site performance to near-perfect scores – giving you a higher chance to rank higher on search results.

Learn the details on how Prerender works or subscribe to Prerender for free for the first 1,000 renders.