Best JavaScript Frameworks in 2024 (Extensive Comparison)

Published on May 17, 2023
Top JavaScript Frameworks - Pros and Cons

Are you struggling to decide on the best JavaScript framework to use? Don’t worry—we’ve got your back! Instead of getting lost in a sea of conflicting opinions, let’s use data-driven JavaScript insights to guide your decision.

We’ve compiled a list of the top five JavaScript frameworks for 2024, complete with their pros, cons, and usage statistics. The information in this JS framework comparison blog is gathered from reliable sources like State of JS, Stack Overflow, and Google Trends. Now you can confidently choose the JS technology that best suits your website and business needs.

TL;DR – Comparison of Top JavaScript Frameworks in 2024

Virtual DOMYesNoYesNoYesYesYes
Two-Way Data BindingNoYesYesNoNoYesYes
Component-Based ArchitectureYesYesYesYesYesYes (optional)Yes
SizeSmall (43.9 KB)Large (2.1 MB)Small (80 KB)Small (10.5 KB)Small (3.5 KB)Large (1.3 MB)Small (4.5 KB)
Server-Side RenderingNo (but can be added with Next.js)No (but can be added with Angular Universal)Yes (but not as efficient as Next.js or Nuxt.js)No (but can be added with Sapper or Elder.js)No (but can be added with Preact CLI or SvelteKit)No (but can be added with FastBoot or Glimmer.js)Yes (but not as efficient as Next.js or Nuxt.js)
RoutingReact RouterAngular RouterVue RouterSvelte RoutingPreact RouterEmber RouterSolid Router
Popular Use Cases (e.g.)Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Airbnb, DropboxGoogle, Microsoft, IBM, CiscoAlibaba Group, Xiaomi, Baidu, Xiaomi YoupinMicrosoft Teams, DiscordEtsy, Deno, Domino’, Yahoo.comDurudex, aoe4world, Web

1. React.js

Fast rendering with virtual DOMSteep learning curve
Reusable componentsRequires additional libraries for full functionality
Large community and ecosystemJSX can be confusing for beginners
SEO-friendlyPoor documentation
Good performance with large-scale applications

The first on our 2024 top JavaScript framework list is React.js.

React and React Native are JavaScript frameworks that helps developers build reusable UI components in a more efficient and flexible way, making it a popular choice for building large-scale applications.

What makes React unique is that it employs a virtual document object model (DOM) – a representation of the real DOM React uses to increase performance. When a user interacts with a page (e.g., clicking a button to display a table), React will compare the updated virtual DOM to its previous state, identify only the section or elements that were updated, and only update those parts into the real DOM.

React Ranks Number 1 for Usage

According to the State of JS report, React has an 82% “will use again” score, being the most used JavaScript framework for seven years in a row. And looking at the trends, it’s likely that React will still the most lovable JS framework in 2024 and more.

React usage statistics

In addition, we can confirm this preference by seeing the big difference between React and the rest of the frameworks in terms of NPM downloads – sitting at over 20M downloads and a constant demand.

React.js Breaks Into the Top Paying Web Frameworks

According to Stack Overflow’s 2022 survey, React.js sits at number 9 in the list of the top-paying web frameworks, with an average compensation of $69k.

There’s Still a High Interest in Learning React

Although the framework isn’t the new big thing anymore, the framework has retained developers’ interest in learning it.

Evidenced, also, by its still high search volume and interest over time:

React Search Volume
React interest over a certain period of time - Graph

React is the blue line.

This popularity is in part due to its industry adoption and career opportunities, which retroactively creates a bigger pool of React developers, making it easier for companies to attract experienced developers with this skill.

Just on LinkedIn, there are 100k+ jobs available listing React and React Native as a required skill.

Example of a React job search on LinkedIn

Finally, React.js has the highest positive-to-negative ratio score, with only a 14% of respondents stating they won’t use the framework again.

Respondent scores on using React

2. Angular.js

Angular is very testableUnderstanding Angular takes time because of the intricate web of modules, coding languages, integrations, and customization options
Both AngularJS and Angular significantly reduce development timeAngular is rather complex compared to React and React Native, as well as other frameworks
Fast load time and better security due to the ahead-of-time compilerHeavyweight codebase

The number two on our best JavaScript framework list is Angular.js.

Angular.js is a TypeScript-based JavaScript framework that supports full-stack development for building all types of web applications. It helps in creating reactive single-page applications (SPA) and large enterprise applications.

What makes Angular unique is that it is a complete rewrite of AngularJS, which Google also created. Its component-based architecture allows you to reuse components across different projects, even if they’re built using other frameworks.

Angular Ranks Number 2 for Usage

According to the State of JS report, Angular has a 49% “will use again” score, consistently taking second place throughout the years.

Angular.js usage statistics

In terms of NPM downloads, Angular has been downloaded 3.2M times, being the third most downloaded framework.

NPM downloads by Angular.js users

Angular is in the Top 20 Best Paid Web Frameworks

According to Stack Overflow’s 2022 survey, Angular (and Angular.js) sits at number 15 (and 18) in the list of the top-paying web frameworks, with an average compensation of $63k (and $60k, respectively).

Angular.js as a top-performing pad web framework

There’s a Declining Interest in Angular

As the new wave of developers gets into the industry and new technologies emerge, it seems like the interest in learning and keep using Angular has drastically decreased.

Declining interest in learning and using Angular.js - a graph

Its search volume, compared to React, is 50% smaller, and there’s a visual decline line in its graph.

Angular.js Search Volume
Angular.js interest over time - graph

Angular is the yellow line.

The discrepancy between interest and usage could be due to the high demand for the framework in work settings, so there are great career opportunities from using the framework.

Example of a job search for Angular.js candidates on Linkedin

We have also seen that 40% of respondents are not interested in learning or using Angular.js.

3. Vue.js

Easy to learn and use, even for beginnersSmaller community compared to other frameworks
Lightweight and fastFewer resources and documentation compared to other frameworks
Simple structure and is easy to integrate with other librariesLess support for large-scale projects
Flexible architecture that allows developers to use it incrementallyDue to its popularity in Asia, many components are written in Chinese
Has a large number of plugins and libraries that can be used to extend its functionalityInconsistent codebases due to extreme flexibility

Vue.js is another JavaScript framework worth considering in 2024.

Vue.js is a lightweight and easy-to-learn JavaScript framework with a simple and flexible structure, allowing developers to use it incrementally. In other words, developers can use it in parts of their applications without having to use it for the entire application.

Thanks to its small size and flexibility, Vue can be used to create highly fast web applications with less complexity. Making it a perfect choice for projects where performance is more important than scalability.

Vue Ranks Number 3 for Usage

According to the State of Front-end JS Frameworks report, Vue has a 46% “will use again” score, taking his spot at the Big 3 JavaScript frameworks.

Vue.js usage statistics

But surpassing Angular in terms of NPM downloads with 3.9M downloads – a 700k downloads difference:

NPM downloads on Vue.js

Vue.js Makes it Into the Top Paying Web Frameworks

Vue sits at number 19, one point below Angular, in Stack Overflow’s 2022 survey, with a $60k/year average compensation.

Vue.js is a top-performing web framework - a comparison

Interest in Vue.js is Still High

Vue is right above React in terms of interest, showing strong interest retention from developers.

Example of developers' interest in using and learning Vue.js

Still, its search volume is lower than Angular, and it also shows a decline in its graph.

Vue.js search volume
Vue.js interest over time - graph

Vue is the red line.

That said, it’s important to mention the popularity Vue.js has in Asian countries like China, meaning there’s a lot of search demand coming from, for example, Chinese search engines.

Vue.js interest by geo region

A healthy percentage of participants from the State of JS responded positively to Vue. We see that 62% of respondents are interested in using and learning Vue.js.

Interest in learning and using Vue.js

The combination in interest from developers and a healthy demand for Vue developers could help Vue keeping growing its adoption.

Vue.js job search on LinkedIn

4. Svelte

Compiles code at build time, making it faster than React or VueFewer resources available compared to other frameworks
Reduces the overhead of the JavaScript framework you’re using by compiling Svelte to vanilla JavaScriptSteep learning curve for beginners
Improves code readability and enables re-useLimited support for server-side rendering
Produces a much faster web appLimited documentation compared to other frameworks
Does not require declarative, state-driven code, which the browser has to convert into DOM operations

Svelte is a JavaScript framework that simplifies the process of building modern web applications by introducing a new paradigm that shifts the work from runtime to compile time.

The key difference from other frameworks is that it compiles and serves code at build time rather than runtime, making it faster than React or Vue.

Svelte Reached Number 4 for Usage

Svelte has gained a lot of popularity, and it now sits in the 4th position with a 21% “will use again” – according to the State of Front-end JS Frameworks report –, seeing a small 1% increase in 2022.

Svelte usage statistics

Although it is still far from the Big 3’s level of adoption, Svelte is still a young framework with a lot of room for growth.

In terms of NPM downloads, it already has over 500k downloads.

NPM downloads - Svelte - graph

Svelte Surpassed React in the Top Paying Web Frameworks

Even with its still little demand on the market, Svelte developers, according to Stack Overflow survey, enjoy a $71k/year compensation – $2k higher than React developers.

Svelte is a top-paying web framework - a comparison

Most Developers are Interested in Svelte

According to the State of JS, Svelte is at the top of the interest of developers, with 70% of all respondents interested in learning and working using the framework.

Learning interest is growing with Svelte - a graph

In fact having a similar search volume as Vue.js and a steady increase in searches over time.

Search volume Svelte
Svelte interest over time - a graph

Surprisingly, only 2% of developers are not willing to use Svelte again.

User interest for Svelte

5. Preact

Small size of only 3kb makes it one of the most lightweight frameworks or libraries on the marketLimited documentation compared to other frameworks
Compatible with React componentsFewer resources available compared to other frameworks
Faster than React and much smaller (3kB compared to React 16’s 35kB)Steep learning curve for beginners
Uses a virtual DOM approach to render web componentsLimited support for server-side rendering
Supports hot module replacement (HMR)

The last but not least on our 2024 best JavaScript framework is Preact.

Preact is a JavaScript library designed to be an efficient and lightweight alternative to React. It has a small virtual DOM and weighs only 3KB, enabling quick transfers from server to client and optimizes load times. [Note: Here’s a full page explaining the differences between React and Preact.]

Preact Breaks Into the Top 5 JS Frameworks for Usage

In the State of JS survey, Preact gets a 13% usage score, becoming the 5th “most use” framework – although it has clearly lost some momentum as Svelte gets more popular.

Preact usage statistics

However, in terms of NPM downloads, Preact has been download 2.5M – which means 2M downloads more than Svelte. 

NPM downloads for Preact

Although it’s just our guess, there’s a big chance this impressive difference in downloads could be due to React’s popularity. As the framework is a lighter React alternative, there’s a big chance a lot of React developers are willing to test it.

At the moment, there isn’t any salary information available, which is not surprising. Preact is still a very small framework with big shoes to fill, so it hasn’t broken into the top-paying web frameworks, and we couldn’t find much information about Preact developers – which was completely expected.

When looking on LinkedIn, only 60 jobs had Preact listed, and we can’t guarantee all of them are actually developer jobs.

LinkedIn search for Preact

That said, you can find some companies using Preact to get a sense of the kind of business implementing the framework.

At the moment, it’s not a top interest framework as Preact is struggling to keep the interest high. In fact, the interest of learning and using Preact has dropped from 43% in 2018 to 36% in 2022.

Preact interest and learning - graph

On search, there’s not much search volume, and the trend is still quite unstable.

Preact Search Volume
Preact interest over time - a graph

Although we still have to see how it develops, Preact is losing a lot of interest, according to the results in 2022. Over 40% of developers that have heard of the tool are not interested in learning the framework, and 24% didn’t not it existed.

Preact interst for developers

There’s a good chance that, although there’s some interest thanks to React, there’s also a lot of doubt on why to consider an alternative that’s so similar.

Only time will tell us what will happen with this framework, so we advise giving it one or two more years before implementing it into a large project or before completely ignoring it.

A Couple of Honorable JavaScript Framework Mentions

Of course, JavaSript frameworks with a mature toolkit and industry adoption are still more used than newcomers. However, as new developers get into the job market and new technologies make it somewhat easier for these developers to become job ready, we’ll see some interesting technologies grow in adoption.

For example, unlike Angular, newer frameworks are getting a lot of interest from both new and experienced developers, like Solid and Qwik.

New frameworks

Qwik has introduced a unique rendering approach worth exploring called “in-demand hydration”, while Solid’s unique features include fine-grained reactivity and modular architecture, making it an ideal choice for a high-performance analytics dashboard like AnalytiCore.

New framework performance

As you can see in the graph above, these two frameworks sit at the top of the most “wanted to learn” technologies in the State of JS report.

Most wanted to learn frameworks

Although they still have a long way to go in terms of adoption, these frameworks could quickly get a lot of traction as new companies grow.

Choose the Best JavaScript Frameworks That Suits Your Needs

We hope that our discussion about the 5 top JavaScript framework in 2024 has given you some ideas about each JS language capabilities and limitations, helping you find the best JS framework that matches your application needs.

Keep in mind that it’s difficult to say which JS framework is the best as each has its pros and cons that make it more suitable for specific use cases than others. That said, all JavaScript frameworks face the same challenge: preventing your SEO performance to shine.

We recommend adopting Prerender, a pre-rendering solution that turns your JS-based content into its HTML static version. This way, search engine crawlers will be given 100% ready-to-index content, accelerating your indexing process and allowing all your SEO elements to be ranked on SERPs.

Check out how Prerender works and its features. And if you’re curious how it can help you achieve 260% better indexing performance, try us out for FREE

FAQs – Best JavaScript Framework for 2024

1. What Is the Best JavaScript (JS) Framework and Why?

There’s no absolute answer to the best JavaScript (JS) frameworks, as it depends on your application or website needs. That said, some of the most popular JS frameworks are React.js, Angular.js, and Vue.js.

2. What Is the Hardest JavaScript (JS) Framework To Learn?

Angular.js and Ember.js are perhaps two JavaScript frameworks that take more time to learn. Here’s why:

  • Angular.js: a full-feature framework with rigid structure, which can difficult to learn, especially for beginners.
  • Ember.js: comes with a built-in functionality and a unique routing system that can can slow down your learning process.

3. What Is the Easiest JavaScript (JS) Framework To Learn?

React.js and Vue.js are arguable two JavaScript frameworks that are easy to learn. Here’s why:

  • React.js: is a component-based approach, promoting clean and maintainable code. Plus, it has lots of publicly available tutorials to help you master React.js.
  • Vue.js: is easy for those who are already familiar with HTML and the components are self-contained units, allowing code reusability. Additionally, it also has supportive community that offers vast documentation to support learning Vue.js.
Picture of Leo Rodriguez

Leo Rodriguez

Leo is a technical content writer based in Italy with over 4 years of experience in technical SEO. He’s currently working at as a content marketing manager. Contact him on LinkedIn.

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